Monday, August 19, 2013

39 weeks...

We went to the harbor this weekend and Ricky brought his camera along.  These are probably the last pics you will see before Eric is in them too!  Enjoy!  I will do a 40 week post if time allows.  I could go into labor any day now so we shall see!

how far along? 39 weeks and 6 days.

size of baby? Head down, about 20 inches long, a little less than 7 pounds (estimated).  

heartbeat? right around 130 bpm

total weight gain/loss? right around 37 pounds, I gained 7 pounds this week.  Don't know how but I did!

maternity clothes? yes, yes and yes and loving those dresses!

stretch marks? got a few on my under-belly....ugh!

rings on/off? off and I miss them a lot!

innie or outtie? total outtie!

sleep? doing okay, just getting up to pee. Restless legs aren't too bad.  Switching sides is not easy anymore so I try to stick to one and deal with it.

best moment this week? Had a nice weekend with mama and Ricky.  Walked at the harbor for 3 hours.  This morning at my appointment, I hit 3 cm and 75% effaced.  We scheduled my induction for Saturday at 5:45 am so we will have a baby by this weekend!!! yay!!!!!

movement? he is moving around still but slower and harder.  He doesn't have much room in there anymore! And he's sticking to one side.

food cravings? sticking with ice cold anything, especially ice itself!!

gender? Little man Eric!

how are you feeling? I'm done being pregnant.  Moving around is not easy at all.  Can't sit or stand for too long and when I switch, it's not easy! I am so anxious to get this over and done with and have my little boy in my arms!

what i miss: sleeping on my stomach, falling asleep quickly, spaghetti and being able to walk up steps without taking a break halfway up!

what i'm looking forward to: Meeting Eric this week! Oh, I am just super excited!!!!



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