Sunday, April 28, 2013

23 weeks...

I guess I'm really filling out! :)

how far along? 23 weeks and 5 days.

size of baby? the size of a grapefruit...about 11 inches long and a whole pound!!  Apparently he is growing nipples, his face is completely formed (minus baby fat) and he can hear Ollie and Tugger barking.  So cute!

heartbeat? my last ultrasound read 153 bpm.

total weight gain/loss? I think it's about 18 now; lost 2 pounds at the end of last week due to my overzealous nature at work.  Slowing down again, so I gained the 2 back.  I have my glucose screening on the 6th, so that's going to be fun.

maternity clothes? yes, yes and yes. 

stretch marks? not yet. :)

rings on/off? off and I kind of miss them! :(

innie or outtie? poking out just a tiny little bit on top; I will definitely be an outtie in the next few weeks.

sleep? just uncomfortable and switching sides throughout the night and back to getting up to pee; and a stuffy nose at night time and in the mornings.

best moment this week? drove around some neighborhoods looking at houses yesterday...feeling good about our options! Eric's nursery will soon be here!

movement? moving around like an acrobat in there and throughout the day.

food cravings? Love my ice cold milk...definitely my one consistent craving.  Heartburn is crappy when I eat any tomato-based foods.

gender? IT'S A BOY!

how are you feeling? Feeling good and getting bigger every day!  Feet hurt after a day of walking around with some back pain, but not terrible overall.  Fatigue is sneaking its way back into my life too.

what i miss: Mainly just sleeping on my stomach and cute summer shorts.

what i'm looking forward to: ready to buy a house, start the nursery, go home again, meet Eric and be parents!

**Here's a little surprise for ya!  You can see him move right before I fix my shirt and right after I rub my finger on my belly...

Talk to you soon!

Monday, April 22, 2013

22 weeks...

Sorry, no photo this week.  We have been insanely busy and I just realized that it's Monday night! So we'll take a photo for 23 weeks! (You'll get two in a row!)

how far along? 22 weeks and 6 days.

size of baby? the size of a papaya...about 10 inches long and almost a whole pound!!

heartbeat? my last ultrasound read 153 bpm.

total weight gain/loss? I think it's about 16 now.

maternity clothes? yes, yes and yes. 

stretch marks? not yet, but definitely an itchy belly :)

rings on/off? off and I kind of miss them! :(

innie or outtie? poking out just a tiny little bit on top.

sleep? just uncomfortable and switching sides throughout the night; and a stuffy nose at night time and in the mornings.

best moment this week? We're 100.1% sure on the name we chose.  We've been feeling out Eric Scott and it's the one! 

movement? moving around TONS! I can see it now! So funny! Oh and Ricky finally felt him! :)

food cravings? loving pretty much all food, but the heartburn is really crappy!

gender predictions? IT'S A BOY!

how are you feeling? Feeling good and getting bigger every day!

what i miss: Mainly just sleeping on my stomach.

what i'm looking forward to: ready to buy a house, start the nursery, go home again, meet Baby Eric and be parents!

Talk to you soon!
Baby Eric

Friday, April 12, 2013

21 weeks...

how far along? 21 weeks and 3 days.

size of baby? the size of a pomegranate...about 8 inches long and 13 ounces!

heartbeat? my last ultrasound read 153 bpm.

total weight gain/loss? I officially hit 15 pounds...I was wrong last week, I gained a total of 12 as of last week.

maternity clothes? yes, yes and yes. got myself some dresses and L. O. V. E. them!

stretch marks? not yet.

rings on/off? off.

innie or outtie? poking out just a tiny little bit on top.

sleep? just uncomfortable and switching sides throughout the night; and a stuffy nose at night time and in the mornings.

best moment this week? TOTSWAP! The most amazing children's consignment sale out there.  Got some stuff for little man and volunteered too! I get to go back this weekend!

Some toys! That baby einstein dvd set was only $15...retails for over $100!

Brand new supplies for $6 total!

HUGE toy basket!

Moses basket that I fell in love with! Only $15 brand new! (retails for $50-$150!)

Adorable play gym! $10 brand new! (retails for $60!)

movement? He's putting himself on a schedule lately: sleeps during the day except for a little "7th inning stretch" around mid-day, after dinner and then wakes up for about 2 hours at 10 on the dot.  That's when the somersaults happen! :)

food cravings? eating tons lately...I usually eat more than Ricky! :) Fried foods are definitely off limits...tummy hates them!

gender predictions? IT'S A BOY!

how are you feeling? Feeling good 99% of the time...the other 1% is right after I eat when I'm 1000% bloated!

what i miss: Mainly just sleeping on my stomach.

what i'm looking forward to: Ready to get started on ideas for the nursery, ready to meet our little man, and ready to crack down on a name for the little guy (we have an idea but just feeling it out a little longer)!  Also ready to getting crackin' on this house search! More on that soon! ;)

Talk to you soon!
Little Man

Sunday, April 7, 2013

20 weeks...halfway there!

how far along? 20 weeks and 5 days.

size of baby? the size of a banana...about 8 inches long and 10-12 ounces!

heartbeat? my last ultrasound read 153 bpm.

total weight gain/loss? I officially broke the 10 lb mark...I have hit 11 pounds.

maternity clothes? yes, yes and yes. 

stretch marks? not yet.

rings on/off? rings came off this week.  I tried taking them off to put cocoa butter on and  it was next to impossible and pretty painful.  So they're off for good.

innie or outtie? poking out just a tiny little bit on top.

sleep? just uncomfortable and switching sides throughout the night; and a stuffy nose at night time and in the mornings.

best moment this week? I guess it counts as this week: being home with all the family and seeing everyone! It was so nice! Also, no work for the week was nice.  I literally sat around and relaxed.  It was great!

movement? lots of moving around this week; mainly in the evenings but sometimes throughout the day too.  So cool!

food cravings? loving pretty much all food.  I find heartburn gets worse when I eat a lot of sugar and tomato-based not too much candy!

gender predictions? IT'S A BOY!

how are you feeling? Feeling good!

what i miss: Mainly just sleeping on my stomach.

what i'm looking forward to: Ready to get started on ideas for the nursery, ready to meet our sweet baby boy, and ready to crack down on a name for the little guy (we have an idea but just feeling it out a little longer)!

Talk to you soon!
Baby Boy