Sunday, June 9, 2013

29 weeks...

how far along? 29 weeks and 5 days.

size of baby? about 16-17 inches long (head to toe) and almost 3 pounds! 

heartbeat? my last ultrasound read 153 bpm

total weight gain/loss? right around 22 pounds.

maternity clothes? yes, yes and yes and loving those dresses!

stretch marks? not that I can see, but I'm sure they're on their way....time for super cocoa butter time!

rings on/off? off and I miss them a lot!

innie or outtie? poking out just a tiny little bit on top; I will definitely be an outtie in the next few weeks.

sleep? sleeping is not so great...I can't get comfortable and I get restless legs and cramps in my legs right as I'm trying to fall asleep.  Still getting up to pee at least once a night and obviously tossing and turning because I'm not feeling rested in the mornings.

best moment this week? mama was here this week for four and a half was AWESOME! We had some good quality time together!

movement? moving around all the time..most movement is either when I'm hungry or right after eating.

food cravings? sticking with ice cold milk...I love it and can't get enough of it! I got a craving for Coca Cola today and boy was it refreshing!

gender? Little man Eric!

how are you feeling? pretty good for the most part.  It's stinkin' hot at night, but as long the a/c is cranked and I have at least one fan, I'm good!

what i miss: Mainly just sleeping on my stomach, chocolate, ketchup and spaghetti and meatballs.

what i'm looking forward to: Ready to move in to our new house, get the nursery started, meeting Eric, going home for the shower and being parents! (lots to look forward, I guess!)


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