Sunday, May 12, 2013

25 weeks... (and HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!)

how far along? 25 weeks and 5 days.

size of baby? the size of a head of cauliflower (I wanna know where they get these fruit and veggie measurements)...about 13-14 inches long and about two pounds! 

heartbeat? my last ultrasound read 153 bpm

total weight gain/loss? I think I'm about 17 total.  I would have gained more this week if it wasn't for that nasty stomach bug on Thursday.  Didn't eat nearly enough, however, I did make up for it on Friday!  My glucose results are in, but I missed the call so I have to wait til Monday! Hopefully it's good news!

maternity clothes? yes, yes and yes.  The dresses are great and some of pants aren't fitting anymore...the bottom of the stretchy waistband is getting tight around my hips...preparing for birth I guess!

stretch marks? nope.

rings on/off? off and I miss them a lot!

innie or outtie? poking out just a tiny little bit on top; I will definitely be an outtie in the next few weeks.

sleep? sleeping okay...switching sides throughout the night but not too bad, getting up to pee and wearing no covers at all...ricky thinks it's funny how hot I get at night! :)

best moment this week? probably feeling better on Friday.  And eating yummy food. (wow, that isn't a preggo statement at all! haha!)

movement? moving around all the time..especially right after meals or any snacks.

food cravings? sticking with ice cold milk and my go-to decaf iced tea with no sugar...yummy!

gender? IT'S A BOY!

how are you feeling? better than last cold is almost gone and I'm feeling good.  Ricky, on the other hand, unfortunately caught my cold. Poor daddy!

what i miss: Mainly just sleeping on my stomach and cute summer shorts.

what i'm looking forward to: ready to buy a house, start the nursery, go home again, meet Eric and be parents!


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