Saturday, November 22, 2014

There went 14 goes 15 months!

Sorry, 14 months flew right over my head and here we are at 15 months!  Eric just had his 15 month checkup and shots yesterday so I thought it would be a good time for an update and some photos!

He is still thriving (gosh, I love that word!): 24 lbs. and almost 33 inches tall (maybe even taller, he was wiggly).  Big old head still at 50 cm circumference!  And he is developing right on time, even a little ahead!

The little guy is running rampant (literally) through the house and chatting up a storm.  It may sound like Chinese to us, but he talks to us as if he is speaking the most eloquent English there is.  It's so precious.

He is all about doing what we do and trying to say what we say.  He answers questions with a nod or a shake and follows directions (that he likes) very well.  Bath time is still his favorite and they have now become showers!  He eats pretty much anything and, if he could, all day!

This little bugger is the apple of our eye and he amazes us each and every day!

He's growing up way too fast!

A favorite spot: the cabinet with the big shiny metal pots

trying out his halloween costume before the day

goofy boy

Successful Superman!

Loves coloring!

breakfast with baby einstein

it's like a swimming pool!

I'm in love with this photo <3

Baby Selfie

Another favorite!

We go thru a lot of paper towels!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Family Photos!

A few weeks ago, we got family photos done (instead of doing just 1st birthday pics).  Mary from Mary Neumann Photography did them and she did GREAT!!!  Take a look!

Thank you, Mary, for doing such an amazing job! 

Eric is 13 months and amazing!

Eric is THRIVING! This little man is just plain awesome! He is growing up so fast and he is so freakin cute! He can do so much and I'm so proud of him....

He helps vacuum.
He runs.
He says mama, dada, mommy, daddy, baby, baba (bottle).
He can point to his head when asked.
He knows a cow says moo.
He follows one-step directions (most of the time ;)
He is so independent.
He can "scoot" up and down the steps all by himself.
He sits at his big kid table all by himself.
He drinks from a straw.
He eats big people food all the time.
He dances to pretty everything with music.
He "scolds" the dogs for barking.
He can give himself medicine (he was antibiotics this week and insisted on doing it himself)
He can brush his teeth.
He gets the mail.
He reorganizes the kitchen on a daily basis.
He helps put away groceries and dishes.
He has a girlfriend (the baby at Miss Cindy's).
He has a baby doll that he takes very good care of.
He can {almost} ride his scooter independently.
He's practicing carrying his bucket for trick or treating.
He gives kisses and hugs.

He can melt your heart.

He can change your life.

He has changed mine.

And I love him for it!

Eric, you are my world and I am so happy to be your mommy and watch you grow into an amazing little boy!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Eric Scott = One Year Old!

It's hard to believe that a whole year has gone by since our little man entered the world and changed our lives forever.

Little Man is now 12 months old!! YIKES! That went fast!

I can't believe how much our lives have been changed for the super duper better since this precious little guy got here...sure, there have been some tough times (nursing troubles, sleepless nights, high anxiety, going back to work), but the good times certainly outweigh them (smiles, hugs, kisses, first steps, first crawls, first words, snuggles, silliness, the list goes on!!).  Eric has brought such joy to our family and I can't wait to see what this next year has in store for us.

He did great at his 12 month doctor visit and is thriving! (I love that word!)

{weight}: 23 lbs. 1 oz.

{length}: 32 inches!!

{head circumference}: 49.5 cm (big old head!)

Ricky and I are doing a 12 month photo shoot with Eric next week/weekend, so look for photos in that post!

For now, enjoy this montage of the last 12 months!!