Thursday, March 28, 2013

19 weeks...

how far along? 19 weeks and 2 days.

size of baby? the size of a softball...about 6 inches long and half a pound!

heartbeat? my ultrasound read 153 bpm.  Nice and strong!

total weight gain/loss? up right around 10 pounds.

maternity clothes? yes, yes and yes. Can't wait for spring and summer so I can wear long dresses! :)

stretch marks? not yet.

rings on/off? rings are still on but probably not for too much longer.  It took me a good while to get them off the other day at a cleaning.

innie or outtie? poking out just tiny little bit on top.

sleep? just uncomfortable and switching sides throughout the night.

best moment this week? last day of work today, so now it's SPRING BREAK!!!  AND HOME!!!!

movement? lots of moving around this week; I felt him with my hands from the outside the other day and boy does he like acrobatics!

food cravings? loving pretty much all food.  I find heartburn gets worse when I eat a lot of not too much candy!

gender predictions? IT'S A BOY!

how are you feeling? Feeling okay...Ricky says I'm pretty irritable...most of the time I don't even realize it.  (sorry, Ricky, I still love you!)

what i miss: Mainly just sleeping on my stomach.

what i'm looking forward to: Ready to get started on ideas for the nursery, ready to meet our sweet baby boy, and ready to crack down on a name for the little guy!

Talk to you soon!
Baby Boy

Monday, March 25, 2013

18 weeks....and gender reveal!

We had our 18 week ultrasound on Wednesday! It went really great and was shorter than I expected.  Little baby moved around a lot but is doing great!  We told the tech that we wanted to know the gender so she tried her darnedest to get a good shot, but the baby wasn't very cooperative.  She finally got under the little bum and....tada! There it was!


Isn't Ricky the best photographer in the universe?!

We are so excited and can't wait to get everything in order for our sweet baby boy! (We just have to work on a name...)

Below are some of the ultrasound photos..sorry, no wee-wee photos.  He got camera shy and didn't want to show off anymore.  But he did give a good smile for the camera at one point!


He's already got Daddy's nose!

Waving hello!

how far along? 18 weeks and 6 days.

size of baby? the size of a sweet potato...about 5 inches long and weighs about 7 ounces...a sweet little baby!

heartbeat? my ultrasound read 153 bpm.  Nice and strong!

total weight gain/loss? up right around 9 pounds.

maternity clothes? yes, yes and yes. Can't wait for spring and summer so I can wear long dresses! :)

stretch marks? not yet.

rings on/off? rings are still on and getting kinda tight.  (thank you, weight gain!)

innie or outtie? getting flatter everyday.  kinda weird ! :P

sleep? just uncomfortable and switching sides throughout the night.

best moment this week? found out the gender!!! So excited to meet our little baby!

movement? lots of moving around this week.  

food cravings? loving pretty much all food.  I'm starting to be able to eat a little bit of fried food.  I don't indulge too much tho, just in case.

gender predictions? IT'S A BOY!

how are you feeling? Feeling really good.  Dizzy sometimes, but not too bad.  I'd give it about a 9.

what i miss: Mainly just sleeping on my stomach.

what i'm looking forward to: Ready to get started on ideas for the nursery, ready to meet our sweet baby boy and headed home for Easter on March 29th!! Can't wait to see everyone!

Talk to you soon!
Baby Boy

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

17 weeks...

how far along? 17 weeks and 1 day.

size of baby? my book says about the size of an onion, 5-6 inches long and weighs about 4 ounces...a sweet little baby!

heartbeat? my PA said it was in the 150's...she thinks it's a girl! ;)

total weight gain/loss? gained another pound this week...right on track according to my book!

maternity clothes? yes, yes and yes. Can't wait for spring and summer so I can wear long dresses! :)

stretch marks? not yet.

rings on/off? rings are still on and getting kinda tight.  (thank you, weight gain!)

innie or outtie? getting flatter everyday.  kinda weird ! :P

sleep? sleep is fun...not! uncomfortable, peeing a lot, weird dreams (like the being lost in the city and almost getting mugged in dark alleys while super pregnant).

best moment this week? hmmm...probably the photo we put on to read what people think the gender will be!

movement? so far, only last more movements yet.

food cravings? still craving those cheeseburgers (and usually I don't get to fulfill that craving, ugh!) and chocolate (especially peanut butter filled chocolate) and sometimes potato chips.

gender predictions? starting to think it might be a girl..dunno why, just another feeling.

how are you feeling? Dizzy if I stand up too fast or too long, heartburn is horrible (especially the last 3 days) and I get super tired between 1 and 2 every day.  So I guess about a 7 lately. :(

what i miss: Lately, sleeping on my's the easiest way for me to fall asleep but I can't do it!

what i'm looking forward to: Our March 20 ultrasound is going to be great! I just hope the baby cooperates and we see what we need to see! Headed home for Easter at the end of the month, too!!!

Talk to you soon!

Monday, March 11, 2013

16 weeks...

Sorry so late...we're procrastinators around here...

how far along? 16 weeks and 6 days.

size of baby? my book says about the size of an avocado, 4.5 inches long and weighs about 3 ounces...a sweet little baby!

heartbeat? my PA said it was in the 150's...she thinks it's a girl! ;)

total weight gain/loss? I found out at my appointment last Monday that I am gaining just fine! I am up to 143 so that is about 8 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight!

maternity clothes? yes, yes and yes. Can't wait for spring and summer so I can wear long dresses! :)

stretch marks? not yet.

rings on/off? rings are still on and getting kinda tight.  (thank you, weight gain!)

innie or outtie? getting flatter everyday.  kinda weird ! :P

sleep? sleep is iffy and probably will be for the next 18 years...I am waking up at around 1 am every night with restless legs and needing to pee.  Thank goodness I have a great hubby to rub my legs in the middle of the night! :)

best moment this week? 1: felt the baby move last week!! It was amazing and so cool! I have been waiting for so long for it and I was teared up and loving it! I can't wait until I can actually watch it move and Ricky can feel it! 2: ultrasound is set for March 20 so we'll find out the gender!!! Excited!!

movement? see above!

food cravings? still craving those cheeseburgers (and usually I don't get to fulfill that craving, ugh!) and chocolate (especially peanut butter filled chocolate).

gender predictions? I really really think it's a boy...I just hope we're able to choose a name for a boy if it is!

how are you feeling? I'd say I'm about a 9.  Feeling good lately and the dizziness stuff isn't too bad lately.  I can't stand up too fast or else I see stars, but other than I'm good!

what i miss: Lately, fast food and sleeping on my stomach.

what i'm looking forward to: I hit the 2nd trimester, so I'm definitely looking forward to getting my energy back.  March 20 is going to be great! I just hope the baby cooperates and we see what we need to see! Headed home for Easter at the end of the month, too!!!

Talk to you soon!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

15 weeks...

Disclaimer: So we decided to do a bump pic every other week...we always end up forgetting and there isn't much of a difference in the bump in only one week so no bump this week.  They will be on the "even" weeks (16, 18, 20, etc.)

how far along? 15 weeks and 5 days.

size of baby? my book says about the size of an orange.

total weight gain/loss? still only at about 7 pounds; I'm hoping I'm on track with weight gain.  I'll find out on Monday at my next appointment.

maternity clothes? yes, yes and yes. Can't wait for spring and summer so I can wear long dresses! :)

stretch marks? not yet.

rings on/off? rings are still on.

innie or outtie? still an innie, but looking kind of funky...definitely a pregnant belly button.

sleep? sleep is kind of maintaining right now...I've managed to fix myself a nice system so I can fall asleep on my left side and I just flip back and forth throughout the night.  I wake up to pee (sometimes twice) so I just switch sides then.

best moment this week? Got to see mama and Scott during their layover at BWI! It was so nice to see her face when she saw the bump.  Loved having dinner with them and hanging out, even if it was for just a short time.  On the flip side, I had a small blood pressure/dizziness scare on Thursday.  Long story short, I got my flu shot on Wednesday and thought I was dizzy as a reaction to that but my doctor said it's natural for my blood pressure to drop during 2nd trimester and I got dizzy and probably had a small panic attack making it spike so quickly.  I took the rest of the day off and rested in bed (per doctor's orders) and went slow on Friday.  I guess it will just take some getting used to.  Keep hydrated and eat my snacks..that's the key according to doc!

movement? nothing yet, but I'm waiting for it ever so impatiently! (I totally thought I felt it move tonight while watching a movie, but it ended up being a yucky gas bubble :(.....)

food cravings? still craving those cheeseburgers (and usually I don't get to fulfill that craving, ugh!) and chocolate.

gender predictions? I really really think it's a boy...I just hope we're able to choose a name for a boy if it is!

how are you feeling? I'd say I'm about a 9.  Feeling good lately other than the dizzy thing.

what i miss: Lately, fast food and sleeping on my stomach.  I officially can't lay on my stomach AT ALL; painful and feels weird.

what i'm looking forward to: I hit the 2nd trimester, so I'm definitely looking forward to getting my energy back.  Only about 2 more weeks and we should find out the gender! Then I can go crazy with nursery planning and the like.  I'll be scheduling my 18 week ultrasound on Monday after my OB appointment...can't wait!!!

Talk to you soon!